Three beautiful clam pearls

by Tina

Thee Beautiful Purple Quahog Pearls

Thee Beautiful Purple Quahog Pearls

My father was a clammer all his life and after he passed away my step-mother brought out this ring box with three beautiful pearls in it. I have kept it in a drawer all these years until recently I showed my husband and he suggested we do some research on them...well here I am. The color and lustre on these is beautiful with a deep purple/lavender-cream color. I have other pics that I will post if anyone is interested.

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Jul 15, 2012
Far Left Pearl
by: Andrea

Any info on the far left pearl?

Jan 19, 2010
size and weights
by: Anonymous

Sent you a couple of emails with the size and carat weight of each pearl. Thanks Kari.

Nov 02, 2009
Thanks Kari
by: Anonymous

Thank you for your response Kari! I am in the process of getting a letter of authenticity and having them appraised. Due to the fact that not many people are familiar with these pearls I may have to do some searching.

Oct 31, 2009
A treasure
by: Kari

Hi Tina,

It's great to rediscover treasure that we already have tucked away in our drawers like your lovely purple quahog pearls. The price range for these varies greatly depending upon who is doing the buying and selling. Ever since the popularity of the now famous Golash Brooch people have had very high hopes of getting lots and lots of money for their purple pearls. I watched four of these sell for a very high price at an auction once, but whether that would happen again, I'm not sure. If you are interested in selling them feel free to contact me with your desired price.

Thank you for sharing a photo of your neat pearls.

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