Peach Pearls
I love the fact that peach pearls are a natural color...made by nature herself.
Wonders of this world never cease to amaze me. God's imagination is limitless.
Peach and pink pearls are closely related so I've also added these options to my pink pearls page.
 Peach Pearl Rope
Color: peach
Size: 9mm
Surface: very clear
Luster: good...lots of great reflective quality
Shape: Round with one flattened side Length: 64 inches
Clasp: Sterling Silver "S" clasp
Knotted between each pearl

These natural colored peach pearl earrings are a "KariPearls Original" to make and design and fun to wear.
Read more with purchasing options or click on photo
Size: 5mm
Color: Peach
Shape: Slightly Button
Luster: Medium

Big pearls are a favorite of mine and here I've combined big 8.5-9mm button shaped pearls with 6mm oval pearls. Together they make an interesting contrast for this fun necklace and earring set. Matching dangle earrings make perfect companions. Read more about this necklace with option to purchase by clicking here or on photo.
Length: 23"--Popular Matinee length Color: peach--Natural pearl color Size: 8.5-9mm and 6mm--eye-catching size Shape: Button and Oval--nice variety of shapes Surface: Clear--no blemishes Luster: Medium--lots of great shine Clasp: Sterling Silver Earrings: Matching Dangle--perfect companions

Click on photo or here for purchase option.
7.5-8mm pink pearls alternating with 5.5mm pink pearls Matching dangle pierced earrings Length: 50.5 inches No clasp
This color occurs naturally and isn't dyed.
Peach of five colors of freshwater pearls.
They also can be pink, white, lavender or black, with many shades of each. Black freshwater pearls are usually dyed, but can be naturally black as well. The colors peach and pink are closely related and sometimes it's hard to tell if pearls are pink or peach...but seeing them side by side it's easier to distinguish the difference.
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