 The Sea Hath Its Pearls by Margetson, William H.
The Sea Hath Its Pearls Heinrich Heine
The sea hath its pearls,
The heaven hath its stars;
But my heart, my heart, My heart hath its love.
Great are the sea and the heaven,
Yet greater is my heart;
And fairer than pearls and stars Flashes and beams my love.
Thou little, youthful maiden,
Come unto my great heart;
My heart, and the sea, and the heaven
Are melting away with love!
Translated from German
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
NOTE: I found this poem in an old book (1900) which my daugher, Anna, gave me for Christmas, called, "The Complete Works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow".
A great-great grandson of Longfellow helped put up a cell phone tower on our property a few years ago, so I asked him to autograph my other Longfellow books. One book, "Evangeline," was from an old one-room school house. When I finished it, I gave it as a gift to my friends in Nova Scotia where the story line is based. Seeing a statue of "Evangeline" there near the sea was a great fun for me...to actually see where these Acadians once really lived.
from The Rock of Rubies, and the Quarrie of Pearls. By Robert Herrick (1591–1674)
Some asked how pearls did grow, and where?
Then spoke I to my girl
To part her lips, And showed them there
The quarelets of pearl.
More romantic poems about pearls in the links at the top of page..
These romantic poems about pearls go well with my free down loadable pearl heart card.
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