Daylily Baroque Pearls
Daylily Baroque Pearls...what a great combination.
Enjoy my photographs of daylily baroque pearls.
Baroque pearls, I predict, will become amazingly popular in the near future. They're fun, inexpensive and gorgeous.
For a SUPER site about Daylilies see: Our good friends Barry and Lynn Stoll (Barry also taught our children to play violins.) have over 3000 different named daylily cultivars and many seedlings. See 700 photographs of these beauties on their site.
It's great fun to stroll through their gardens accented with creative metal artwork scattered here, there and everywhere.
You may even catch Barry and Lynn collecting special pollen from favorite lilies.
Walnut Hill Gardens is an official display garden for the American Hemerocallis Society, the American Hosta Society, and the Society for Siberian Irises; it has been featured on the 1993 national American Hosta Society convention, the 2000 National Convention of the Society for Siberian Irises, and numerous regional and local daylily conventions. Lynn and Barry are both garden judges for the American Hemerocallis Society; Lynn is also a garden judges’ training instructor for the AHS, and has served as Regional Vice President and a member of the AHS Board of Directors.
If you love daylilies, irises or'll love Walnut Hill Northern Daylilies...tell them Kari sent you!

Here in Iowa we have lots of wild orange daylilies growing in the ditches. They're one of the nice things about Iowa. Between the Tiger Lilies and the Queen Anne's Lace, we're pretty well covered in summer.

You can see some Queen Anne's Lace in the above photo. Have you ever heard this little poem about it?
He called it just a common weed.
Wild carrot, with its wayward seed.
She put it in a lovely vase.
And gently called it Queen Anne's Lace.
There's nothing quite like good old thistles for brilliant purple color...another summer reality in Iowa, although my husband has our children working hard cutting them out.
See them here in the photo along with clover, which our sheep love, of course.
Also to the right is yellow yarrow, which seems to be something I can grow easily.

Our family has also been spreading wild Aster seeds along our ditches. My son John has been helping me for a few years on this now, so I lovingly refer to him as "Johnny Aster Seed." In the fall it makes for quite a grand purple display.

In my perennial garden in the center of our circle drive I have some daylilies. By the Mississippi River in downtown Muscatine, Iowa, where we live, there are also some planted.

Special thanks to the local parks and recreation department for allowing me to photograph their lilies for my Daylily Baroque Pearls page with the Mississippi River in the background.
(They were a little worried that someone was stealing their precious plants...but when they found out I was only taking photos of daylily baroque pearls...they gave me a hearty OK!)
I love the river as a backdrop. It gives such scope to one's imagination.

Our city is alive with history of when Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain) lived here in 1854 and worked for his brother Orion Clemens who ran the newspaper. I have fun searching those old newspapers on mircrofilm.

I ran across one short story written by, "Who Is He?" which sounds like something young 18-year-old Sam Clemens would use.

Our city, Muscatine, Iowa was called the "Pearl Button Capital of the World" at one time. I also have information about the pearl button industry on this site.
So there you have it...daylily baroque pearls!

For more sites about daylilies see:
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